Italy is one of the European Union countries most committed to the development of Artificial Intelligence solutions in Public Administration, second only to the Netherlands. “ Technological options for the advanced digitalisation of Public Administration ”, which we produced together with The European House Ambrosetti . With this research we wanted to analyze the AI adoption strategies developed by the main EU countries, with the aim of identifying policy proposals and actions for the development and diffusion of digital and the most innovative technologies in particular in the Italian PA.
Trust as a core value in an increasingly digitalized morocco number data world At Salesforce we have been active in the world of Artificial Intelligence for 10 years, an AI integrated into the CRM platform aimed at creating increasingly engaging Customer and Citizen Experiences while still keeping at the center the theme that has always characterized our values: trust. I like to call ours the Trust Revolution : that of individuals towards technology and those who produce it and that which organizations must gain from citizens and consumers.
The evidence emerging from the Operational Report The research, among other things, shed light on the actions to be taken to accelerate digitalization and the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Public Administration. Considering that Italy is currently ranked 20th in the EU for the incidence of digital public services provided to citizens, the need to push for the diffusion of digital technologies in the Public Administration emerges, but it is first of all of fundamental importance to invest in digital skills , whether basic or advanced.