characters lost in the SERPs multiplied by 208,000 applications at Amazon, minus 306 million tons of CO2 emitted by online video that I divide by the 4 Emmy Awards of the series Fleabag… the count is correct, nothing is going well, these are the Figures and Letters of September on SEMrush, i.e. a month of (more or less) busy and (more or less) exciting news.
The number of awards won at the 2019 Emmy Awards by the hilarious English series Fleabag (best comedy series, best actress, best screenplay and best direction), which was not a given winner on paper! Here, we highly recommend it, with a little detour all the same via the excellent Russian Doll.
GOT is still blowing everything up in its path
No surprises, however, for Game Of Thrones, which won best drama series, and Chernobyl, which won the title of best mini-series of the year.
Like the 5 characters lost by the titles of the Google SERP results, now 50 characters long instead of the 55 they previously had, if we are to believe the RankRanger tool .
The impact on the ranking will be zero (the full croatia number data content of the Title tag will still be taken into account by bots), but on the other hand, this gives less freedom to convince the Internet user to click on your link. Another step towards zero-click?
While we were on RankRanger (and on zero-click), we took the opportunity to dig a little deeper into the studies of the American site, which also recently calculated that 4.77% of French SERPs (compared to 15.87% in the USA) now had a direct answer type response, distributed mainly between Info (24.32%), People Also Search For (21.85%) and Related Questions (42.01%).
The (low) error rate (6.2%) made by Alexa, the AI developed by Amazon, in its latest official voice recognition test. Enough to catch up with Siri, especially since Apple is currently slightly bothered by leaks concerning its program for listening to its users' conversions.